As much as I want to take giant steps forward with everything in my life, there just isn't enough time/energy to go around. so now I take baby steps some days, and some days I pick and choose-and take giant steps on 1 or 2 things. It's nice to know my limitations, and not stress about what I am NOT doing.
I looked at my life at the beginning of January and thought maybe I was wasting too much time because I just didn't seem to be getting enough done in a day. (and I don't even watch much t.v.!)
I did a time tracker test to see what I was doing with my time, and was surprised to see how unorganized I was.
I didn't want to end each day feeling defeated, deflated and discouraged over what I hadn't gotten to that day (and every day)
(with EP always at the back of my mind, I didn't see how I could get aroundtuit and accomplish some of those things on my EP list, if I couldn't even get done all I wanted/needed from my daily list!)

-I've tried so many different things: prioritizing my list, cutting out unnecessaries (it's all necessary!), ignoring it, hoping it will all just go away......!
Different things work at different times. What's working for me now is spending time and effort to get my life (aka: house) in order. I am the homemaker. I am the creator of organization in our family.
I spent 3 weeks tearing the house apart to get rid of clutter. (The clutter was creating chaos and making my job as homemaker so much more difficult. The clutter was cluttering up my head!)
The process of decluttering was therapeutic for me (even though the mess it made in the process was horrible!) -It had to get worse to get better!
Now that the clutter is gone, my homemaking efforts are streamlined -- I can be done with the necessary everyday chores, and get on to the real purpose in life:
reading my fashion mags, eating bon bons, and watching the soaps! (just kidding!!! that's my next life!- only- if you want to get technical, it's: reading Jane Austin, eating M&M's and watching Once Upon A Time)
The point is: less time spent on my daily chores means more time for fitting in other things - like emergency preparedness. (and maybe a scrapbook page or 2. hey - I can always hope!)
Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.
Art Buchwald
This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this day to use as I will.
I can waste it or use it for good.
What I do today is important, because
I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
this day will be gone forever,
leaving in its place something
that I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain, not loss;
good not evil; success not failure;
in order that I shall not regret
the price I paid for it.
Author Unknown
I'm putting that round tuit in my pocket to remind me to 'get er done' today.

Today- March 10, 2012 I want to add some thoughts to this subject of time. I had an epiphany the other day: I have been saying for years "I don't have enough time!" (mostly in an exasperated voice) I now realize why I don't have enough time - because I have been putting out there to the universe the thought I don't have enough time, so, sure enough, it is true.
You may not agree with this philosophy - my husband doesn't agree with it, but, I have seen evidence of it, so I believe it. Whether it happens because I think it, or I think it because it happens, I don't care. I just like that it works for me.
The point is - I will no long be saying "I don't have enough time" ever again. (either in my head or out loud)
My new mantra is: I have all the time in the world. and I choose to do_______ with my time.
It's not that I don't have time for ____ or _____. I choose not to do it.
For instance: no longer will I say "I don't have time to exercise."
I have to say "I choose not to exercise." -which really is a true statement, whatever excuses I've wanted to give in the past for not doing it. Now the truth is out there.
another thought:
I know our lives are dictated by our children/husband/job BUT we still choose whether to do emergency preparedness or not. (we just may have to give up something else - sleep? - to do it.)
as for me - I have all the time in the world!