I'm sitting here with hair color on my hair, and so I thought I would talk about beauty and EP. Let's face it, girls, we all feel better about ourselves if we can do a little sprucing up! I know that hair products, make-up, and manicure/pedicure kits are not essential to our physical survival, but they can sure do a lot for our emotional well being!
I seriously do not want to go around with gray hair, if I can help it!
I have a 6 month supply of hair color. I color my own hair, so it is easy for me to keep the supply on hand and just rotate it. Clairol hair color lasts 3 years (according to the Clairol website)
Even if you don't color your own hair because you go to a hairdresser, you can still have a supply on hand. If the world changed and you could not go to a hairdresser, there will still be someone who can color your hair for you. (I would do it for you.) You can find out what products she uses and go to Sally's Beauty Supply and buy the product yourself. (you'd be amazed at how inexpensive it is to color your own hair vs going to a hairdresser.) Of course, most everyone who gets their hair colored has light or dark streaks put in, and that is more complicated. Like I said- there will be someone who could do it for you, if you had the product.
Just don't do like I did and ask someone who has no idea how to do it! When I was in college I would buy a hair coloring kit called Quiet Touch.
I seriously do not want to go around with gray hair, if I can help it!
I have a 6 month supply of hair color. I color my own hair, so it is easy for me to keep the supply on hand and just rotate it. Clairol hair color lasts 3 years (according to the Clairol website)
Even if you don't color your own hair because you go to a hairdresser, you can still have a supply on hand. If the world changed and you could not go to a hairdresser, there will still be someone who can color your hair for you. (I would do it for you.) You can find out what products she uses and go to Sally's Beauty Supply and buy the product yourself. (you'd be amazed at how inexpensive it is to color your own hair vs going to a hairdresser.) Of course, most everyone who gets their hair colored has light or dark streaks put in, and that is more complicated. Like I said- there will be someone who could do it for you, if you had the product.
Just don't do like I did and ask someone who has no idea how to do it! When I was in college I would buy a hair coloring kit called Quiet Touch.

It basically was to give yourself streaks thru the hair. I talked my reluctant roommate into putting it on my hair for me. After all, if I applied it to myself, how hard could it be for her to apply it for me? Aparently if you don't know how, it's not easy! I ended up with big orange blotches all thru my hair! There was no way to fix it (it was late at night) before my class the next morning. I went to class mortified about how I looked. Of course, the teacher had to comment on it, drawing attention to my horrible hairdo! What made the whole situation worse was the fact that there was a really cute guy in my class; I was hoping to catch his eye - I caught his eye all right, but it was not a pretty sight he saw! He ended up with the cutest girl in the class, and I ended up running straight to the store to buy more hair color to fix the disaster that was my hair! - I'm sure that won't happen to you!
We need beauty products in our emergency kits. Not only for the emotional well being I talked about earlier, but they can also help us physically. Who has ever had chapped hands and lips? Left untreated, they can become painful. We don't know if we will be living out in the elements, and the elements can wreck havic on our skin. Beauty Products in our emergency kits can do double duty. The beauty products I am talking about now are things that can help in a variety of situations for a variety of people.
for example: Vaseline. You should have a BIG jar of vaseline. It has so many uses! - I will post a list of products and their uses for you.
For now, if this helps you think about what beauty products you use and would like to continue to use, even in the event of an emergency, then I will have achieved my intent with this post.
Have a great day!
We need beauty products in our emergency kits. Not only for the emotional well being I talked about earlier, but they can also help us physically. Who has ever had chapped hands and lips? Left untreated, they can become painful. We don't know if we will be living out in the elements, and the elements can wreck havic on our skin. Beauty Products in our emergency kits can do double duty. The beauty products I am talking about now are things that can help in a variety of situations for a variety of people.
for example: Vaseline. You should have a BIG jar of vaseline. It has so many uses! - I will post a list of products and their uses for you.
For now, if this helps you think about what beauty products you use and would like to continue to use, even in the event of an emergency, then I will have achieved my intent with this post.
Have a great day!
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