The Keeper. (not as in : "This one's a keeper!" - I say that about books, movies, and men!)

No - this is about your monthly feminine hygiene needs.
Another product is called The DivaCup.
Both work the same way.
If you use one of these, you no longer need to buy tampons!
I think this is an awesome product to have in your EP stash.
I also found that you could make your own feminine napkins out of fabric. Use and wash. There are patterns online - google: reusable menstrual products
Both these items can last years! How long can you go with the feminine hygiene paper products you have in your cabinet? (We could only go a few months with what I have stored away. I'm counting on having to provide for 4 daughters, 3+ daughters-in-law, and 1 granddaughter.)
. . . . . . . . If everyone had their own Keeper/Divacup,
or if I made a bunch of feminine napkins - (ummm- yeah, in my spare time?)
or if I even made sure I had the fabric to make feminine napkins, then that would be smart planning for that type of emergency. (I have a treadle sewing machine, so I'm not worried about sewing without electricity.)
How frustrating it would be to - not only have an emergency situation to deal with (natural disaster, economic collapse, etc.), but to be on your period at the same time?!!! Ughhhh!
(and nothing on hand to keep clean and fresh? - double ughhhh!)
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