Friday, April 12, 2013


What's the hardest thing about emergency preparedness?  To keep preparing.
You can never be totally prepared, especially when you don't know what exactly to prepare for.

It's important to prepare ahead of time to be able to feed, protect, and do everything you can so you, your family, and even your community survive.

Another thing is to be smart about preparing.

I believe the government of the United States is capable of anything. I believe there are people in power in the government who want to take away all our freedoms.
I believe the government sees preppers as a threat to their goals of making all persons dependent upon them.
I believe the government will go after and shut down preppers who are vocal and share. The government will be all  powerful and do whatever it wants - including killing people - to succeed in their goals.
How will the government find these preppers? Websites. Blogs. Facebook. Twitter. It's not hard to find. They already have a profile on each of us.
Could the government come and take away your food? YES.
Just as they are taking away our money (tax the rich to help those less fortunate) They will keep taking until they have everything you own.
It's discouraging and depressing to see us -as a nation- choose to give away our freedoms. 
I for one am not giving up. Just going off the social radar about emergency preparedness.

I wll be eliminating all evidence of this blog, when the time is right.
I feel it's the right thing to do, as part of my preparedness - to protect myself and my family.
Please think about it. Be smart.
(When we all look back to April 12, 2013, will we realize we were too nieve, trusting, and clueless?  Let's not be.)
in parting I want to share a link with you that is a great resource in preparing. Use it now, before it's too late! 
(there will come a time when there will be no more sharing)
I am grateful for those who are willing to share. I have been happy to be able to share thru this blog.

Monday, December 3, 2012


During Thanksgiving I thought about this alot:
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving - plenty of food with family around the table. We were safe, we were happy, we were blessed.
What will next year's Thanksgiving be like?
The future is so unstable.
The only way to have a repeat of this year is to plan for next year.
Harvests don't happen without planting.

This is still my planting season. I mean this figuratively (although planting a garden is always a good idea).
Planting, and Planning, and Gathering.
If I don't do this, then there will be nothing to keep us alive when we need it.

There will be time to use what I've gathered, but for now I realized I am just too busy to try to use my solar oven and rocket stove. The time for that will be later.  (I know it's better to experiment before the disaster so that you know how to use what you have - but, frankly I am just too swamped with work, family, and life!)
At this time of year, we think about family and want our families close to us.
When a disaster strikes we will want our families safe.
Preparing for emergencies helps us feel safe, and be safe. It gives us a secure feeling that
All Is Safely Gathered In

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 6, 2012 Elections
Half the people in this country want Socialism. They want the government to take care of them.  

You and I are not one of them. We will not give up and
we will not give in. We will do what it takes to take care of ourselves and our families.

It's time to get serious. Time to get our priorities in line. What is the most important thing about self-sufficiency 

Survival/Staying alive.

 What do we need to stay alive? 


How and what you get is up to you. Just do it! Now!
Putting it off will make it too late!

Here is what I am doing:
I am taking action.
Yesterday I bought a Sun solar oven. And a rocket stove.
I am not putting things off until a more convenient time anymore. I will be using my solar oven and my rocket stove now so that I know how to use it.

I am doing everything I can now.

Food: Wheat. Rice. Beans. 
Why wheat? It gives you protein, carbs, fiber, fat (our body needs some fat), and iron. It is the most complete single food there is.It can be soaked in water and eaten as a kernel. It can be ground into flour and made into bread. (white flour has all the nutrients taken out.) It can be cooked into a cereal. It can be sprouted to give you some "greens".
Stored properly it has a long, long, long term shelf life.

Why rice and beans? Together they make a  complete protein. Like wheat they can be stored for years, years, years.

How many people went on vacation last year (when there were special prices and deals) and didn't have their food storage?

How long can we ignore the seriousness of being prepared?

Are we busy? Yes! (my weekend consisted of working, traveling to another state to attend a seminar, going to my daughter & son-in-law's for a baby blessing, and going straight home to set up and attend my youngest son's Eagle Court of Honor. Whew!   I fit buying a solar oven and rocket stove in the middle of all that.)

Are we broke?  That goes without saying. Sacrifice buying something. Sell something. Find a way to get the money.

Are we tired? (way beyond!)

All those things don't matter. No excuses.

What matters in the end (and we don't know just when that "end" will be for us) is that we are ready for it.

Do something now!  Don't say in the future "I wish I'd. . .  to get prepared!"

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I was going to title this Guns 'N Roses because I believe in making peace, not war, but it is a fact of life that the only way to peace in this world is war. 

(I found this picture after I started this post - it fits perfectly. I hesitated to use it because it may be seen as contriversial, but I like the image)

We have to protect ourselves and our families, so weapons are a necessity for survivial. If you don't think some type of weapon is a part of emergency preparedness, I (or someone like me) will be the one protecting you.

The reason this is a subject today is because my husband recently acquired some high powered pellet guns. (we already have real guns) The minute I saw them I thought Survival. My boys thought Cool!  Target shooting!

We weren't in the market for pellet guns, but when they came our way, we seized the opportunity.
Jim (my DH) went out the next day and bought enough pellets for an army.

We may be hunting rabbits or other game for meat. This may keep us alive someday.

I am grateful for things like this that come to us, even if we are not seeking them. I want to continue my emergency survival preparations, but life is so extremely busy right now. I think God knows my heart, and is willing to help me out.

I am looking forward to a date with my dear husband where he teaches me how to shoot a pellet gun. (and go for ice cream after!)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I can't sleep. So I plug in my headphones. I happened to catch an episode called Provident Living about food storage.
(I borrowed this button from a Relief Society Blog. Cute, isn't it?)
 It lasted maybe 15 minutes, but it was packed with information; some I had not thought about. I didn't catch the person's name who was sharing information, or I would give him credit. (he has worked extensively with people in disaster areas)
His advice:
Do something each week to become better prepared: add information, equipment, or food to your storage.
"It's no excuse to do nothing because you can't do everything!"
Be forward thinking. Think about and plan for the future. Try to imagine "what would I do if.....?"

i.e.: What would I do if the power went out?
He suggested having water bottles in the fridge to keep the food cold longer. I am going to put some 2-3 liter bottles in the freezer to have in case I need to use them in the fridge or freezer to keep food cold.  frozen water bottles
He also suggested having supplies on hand to cure meat by salt brining it. I have no idea how to do that, so I would need to find out that information and have supplies on hand.
(I have already a good supply of salt. I have been buying salt each time I go to Walmart because I do not want to be eating my beans without salt.) I know you can buy salt in bigger quantities cheaper, but it is just convienent for me to pick up a package of salt every time I shop. Salt is good for so many things. I don't think you can have too much of it.
vacuum packing extends the shelf life. a smart thing to do if you don't want to have to rotate your food as often. (or you are like me, and you forget to grab the oldest first)

have menu based food storage. Have recipes that you have tried that use your food storage. Plan meals for 3 weeks, then 3 months. 
He has recipes to make pasta out of flour and water, and can create sourdough breads, and soups.
It's one thing to have the food storage, it's another to know what to do with it!
Right now in my life I have limited time to work on food storage. I really thought I would be able to have free time now that school has started, but I was offered a job yesterday and I took it. I am forward thinking that one of the things that will be in limited supply is money.
Jobs are already scarce and they are going to become more scarce. (my 2 older teen-age boys have not been able to find work) 
 Even though things are not as tight financially for us as they were in the past (because I worked a temporary job in May and June),  I don't know what they will be like in the future.
I love being a stay-at-home mom, but I have to take the opportunities that come my way to keep us as self-reliant as possible. If that means working outside the home, that is what I will do (my youngest is almost 16)
I want to turn the money I earn into food storage (and equipment such as a solar oven, etc.)

The radio program I heard got me thinking about self reliance again.  It's good to be reminded.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


here's a first: 2 blog postings in 1 day!

after posting my blog on the power of positive thinking, I put in a movie - I felt like some fun before I started work for the day.
out of all the things I got out of this movie (besides the Happily Ever After feelings - ahhhhh - sigh) was my admiration of Pip.
Pip was the little chipmonk that kept running around thru the whole movie, trying to save Giselle.
At one point Nathaniel (the wicked queen's henchman) hung Pip up in a closet by his arms - he was clipped to a hanger like a rat in a trap. He could have given up and said "What can I do? I'm trapped in a closet 5 ft off the ground hanging by my thumbs!"
He never said I "can't". He just did what he could. He swung the hanger around until it flipped off the rod. Once on the ground (still attached to the hanger with his arms above his head) he escaped by climbing out the window and using his torture device as a get- away tool, slid down a wire to the ground. On the way the hanger flipped off him, and he was free.
All because he said "I can." And he did.
How many of us are still in the closet hanging by whatever is holding us back, saying "What can I do?  I'm stuck like a rat in a trap!"
What does this have to do with emergency preparedness?
You know.

The Power of I can!


Positive thinking has positive power. 

The opposite is also true; negative thinking has negative power.
Positive thinkers attract other positive people. No one likes to be around a negative person.
Positive thinkers are happier (duh!)
Positive thinkers have the power to handle difficult situations, to solve problems, and to work thru things without giving up.
Those are all traits we need to have if the DHTF*.
*dirt hits the fan
The time to be a positive thinker is before the DHTF.
If it is normal and natural to think positive when life is good, it will be easier to think positive when life gets not so good.
I used to be a negative thinker. Then I got smart and changed my negative ways. It wasn't easy - especially when I thought my life was crud. It took lots of mental hard work on my part ,but my life is so much happier now. (and nothing changed in my life but me)
Every morning before I get out of bed I set the tone for the day. "LG. Life is good." is my motto. And I give thanks for as many things as I can think of. Just to be alive is a blessing!
I do wonder how I would do if the DHTF. I get cranky if I am tired or hungry.
I am hoping by giving myself positive thoughts every day and being that positive person, that when times get hard (and they will get hard) my positiveness will get me thru anything.