Thursday, August 23, 2012


here's a first: 2 blog postings in 1 day!

after posting my blog on the power of positive thinking, I put in a movie - I felt like some fun before I started work for the day.
out of all the things I got out of this movie (besides the Happily Ever After feelings - ahhhhh - sigh) was my admiration of Pip.
Pip was the little chipmonk that kept running around thru the whole movie, trying to save Giselle.
At one point Nathaniel (the wicked queen's henchman) hung Pip up in a closet by his arms - he was clipped to a hanger like a rat in a trap. He could have given up and said "What can I do? I'm trapped in a closet 5 ft off the ground hanging by my thumbs!"
He never said I "can't". He just did what he could. He swung the hanger around until it flipped off the rod. Once on the ground (still attached to the hanger with his arms above his head) he escaped by climbing out the window and using his torture device as a get- away tool, slid down a wire to the ground. On the way the hanger flipped off him, and he was free.
All because he said "I can." And he did.
How many of us are still in the closet hanging by whatever is holding us back, saying "What can I do?  I'm stuck like a rat in a trap!"
What does this have to do with emergency preparedness?
You know.

The Power of I can!

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