Wednesday, April 25, 2012


It's 100 degrees outside.

I am going to Utah where it's predicted to be cold, rainy (and even snow?)

It's hard to prepare for rain when it's a sunny day.
It's hard to prepare for cold, when I am so hot. 
I can't imagine that by the end of the day today I may be cold and glad I have my jacket.

But, if I am prepared, I shall not freeze!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

To sleep. . . . . . perchance to be prepared!

I went to bed thinking about how I really haven't done much lately on emergency preparedness. Couldn't sleep,thinking about it.       

So, I got back up to blog about it.

I think about it alot, but the actual doing - not so much.  I know that part of it is that it is not high priority in daily living.

But it would be really high priority if some disaster happens (and then it would be too late to put it at the top of the list!)

I think I would do more if I had an actual list I'm working from, instead of doing things I feel like doing.

So, here is my list:

     200 gallons for 2 week family supply
     2 liter bottles/juice bottles
     purifier - for house, 72 hr kits, cars

     basics (beans, rice, wheat, etc.) for 5 people for 1

     canned goods to make 100 dinners (canned
     vegetables, tomato sauce, 
     cream of chicken soup, etc.)

     baking goods- flour, baking soda, baking powder,
     dehydrated eggs, yeast,
     salt, sugar, etc. 

     chocolate chips

     replace outdated food
     update supplies
BOOKS or information
     growing herbs in our area
     how to make
          bread without a bread machine
          sprouts (wheat, etc.)

This is a good start. If I can check all the stuff off my list here, I will add more.
I copied this list into my word program and printed it up and put it on my wall where I will see it every day.
Now I can go to bed and get some rest!  Even preppers need their beauty sleep!


Today is my husband's birthday. Yesterday I made him a cake. (not that cake -ha ha! -

this cake!)
Before I could make the cake I had to go to the store and buy some cake mix.
We always have lots of cake mix in the cupboard because it's always somebody's birthday around here. Except I didn't pay attention, and we ran out of cake mix.

As I was making the cake, I thought about making cake A.D. (after disaster). Some people make cake from scratch. Could I do that with the ingredients in my food storage? (I am "from scratch" illiterate)

Some preppers "canned" cake mix, so that they can make a cake no matter where or when.
(I wonder what they are going to cook it in.  Oh yeah, they are preppers and have a solar oven)

Simple things (like making a cake) can sure get complicated if the DHTF (dirt hits the fan)

I guess I am feeling a little overwhelmed with daily life, to add more prepping to the mix.
I'm going to be Scarlett O'Hara today :
"I'll think about it tomorrow."
and follow Marie Antoinette's advice: "Let them eat cake!"

Thursday, April 19, 2012


How You Live Your Day Is How You Live Your Life.

I get up every morning. I pray. I get on the computer.  I check my email. I download digital scrapbooking. I get my kids off to school. I eat breakfast. I read the paper.  I get some exercise. I clean my house.  I make meals. I do laundry.  I spend time with my friends. I eat lunch. Sometimes I eat lunch with my friends. I think. I read. I craft.  I eat M&M's. I pick up/take kids places. I teach sewing. I talk to my husband. I eat dinner. I talk to my kids. I read scriptures with my family. I pray with my family. I smile. I laugh. Sometimes I cry. I watch t.v. rarely. I stay up late reading a book because I want to get to the end. I go to sleep listening to my ipod.
I call my married kids or they call me.
I go on trips to see family.
I help others.
I study in my scriptures.
I write in my journal.
I write in my blog.
I work out in the yard.
I go to church.
I do something to prepare for emergencies.
I just think about preparing for emergencies.

How I live my day is how I've lived my life.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I was searching for some notes on how to think like a millionaire, and I came across some notes on Emergency Preparedness:

God didn't say to Noah
 "Better get an umbrella, it's going to rain."

No, He said "Build an ark!"


                A= ability
                R= resources
                K= knowledge

With ablility, resources, and knowledge we can build a  vessel that can withstand any disaster or famine.

Will our vessel be full of holes, or will it be storm-worthy?

It takes time and effort to prepare. (and some money - I guess I'd better find those notes on thinking like a millionaire!)

Monday, April 9, 2012


I have been thinking lately about 2 things:
rainwater and . . . .  well, I've forgotten what the other thing was, but it may come back to me. Maybe.
Anyway, rainwater. That is a source of water I neglected to write about. I dismissed it at first because we live in the desert and it just doesn't rain much here. But, I decided that any amount of water collected is better than no water. And there's got to be a way to collect it and not have it evaporate.  So, I'm going to research how to collect rain water, and get the stuff to do it!
It's good for plants, and it's free!

I'll post what I find out under the page "WATER".

Oh, the other thing I was thinking about was the stages of emergency preparedness. There is the information collecting, the equipment collecting, and then the waiting. When an emergency happens, if I have collected the information and the equipment I will be o.k.

A lot of information I don't need to know now, but I will need to be able to look up how to do things I don't know how to do, if the time came to do them. That's the purpose of my notebook. And books are good, too.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


What does it mean to be a Prepper*?

It means that no matter what is going on in your life; no matter how busy and crazy it all gets, you still think about and do something to get prepared.

(A Prepper will get up and write on her prepper blog even when she is sick, or on vacation!)

A Prepper has emergency preparedness on the brain all the time.

A Prepper finds information and then uses that information to get better prepared.

A Prepper is sometimes looked at as crazy, or over the top, or extreme. There are levels of Prepper - from the part time Prepper to the professional Prepper. 
There is the survivalist who has a hideaway stockpiled with food, water, guns, and everything imaginable to survive the apocalypse. (if we say they are crazy, and they are the only ones who survive, who ends up being the smart one?)

      (This picture cracks me up!!!
      I like the show Doomsday 
      Preppers, but have only seen it once, because like millions of Americans who are tightening our belt, we cut cable.)

      Unlike some of the Preppers you see on the show Doomsday Preppers, some Preppers prefer to keep a low profile.

      A Prepper can be anyone; we can look like anyone. We can be your next door neighbor.

      Arizona Vet Appears on NatGeo

      Tim Ralston: husband, father, owns his own business. And a prepper.

      Tim: “The truth is 'Doomsday Preppers' is not about the apocalypse, Mayan Calendar or end of the world but rather about the lives of ordinary Americans who are preparing for life’s uncertainties.
      Disasters and emergencies can happen at anytime; they can happen today or 1000 years from now. The title of the show includes the word 'doomsday,' which conjures up negative thoughts, however; it is simply a wake up call that we are living in troubled times that we can't wish away.”
      Prepping is a positive step that empowers individuals. The more prepared you are the less stress and anxiety you have. Those who know me know I am an extremely positive person--but I don't bury my head in the sand either.

      Frankly, I think it is our responsibility to ensure that we have extra food and water on hand in the event of an emergency. It is simply a lifestyle. In between family life, work, soccer and baseball games, I learn, teach and prepare.” 
       Despite the stereotypes, preppers don’t believe the world is going to end anytime soon or hide out in bunkers. They are typically community oriented and wish to contribute to safeguarding the nation from harm.

      The fact that you are reading this blog means that you are already a Prepper, or are thinking about becoming one. 

      Do It!!!!!

      Join the prepared side!!!!

      *Prepper (noun): An individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances or lifestyle without significant reliance on other persons (i.e., being self-reliant), or without substantial assistance from outside resources (govt., etc.) in order to minimize the effects of that change on their current lifestyle.  (from website PREPPER.ORG)

      American Preppers Network

      Wednesday, April 4, 2012

      I'M A PREPPER!

      Went shopping yesterday and bought more canned goods to fill up my cupboard. The total $ was painful, but the peace of mind is worth it!

      BAD!                                          GOOD!                                                                                                           
      Also my dear hubby (who is as concerned about the uncertainty of the future as I am) has been hitting the LDS Cannery to purchase bulk items to add to our food storage. 

      I am grateful that the cannery is available - it is the most economical place to get bulk food storage.

      Have you noticed that there is bulk food storage in every grocery store?  How can we not pick some up every time we go shopping?

      Emergency Preparedness is a way of life!!!
      I'm a prepper!  Be a prepper too!


      I was surfing the web this morning and stumbled across a product I have never heard of before:

      The Keeper. (not as in : "This one's a keeper!" - I say that about books, movies, and men!)

      No - this is about your monthly feminine hygiene needs.

      Another product is called The DivaCup.

      Both work the same way.

      If you use one of these, you no longer need to buy tampons! 

      I think this is an awesome product to have in your EP stash.

      I also found that you could make your own feminine napkins out of fabric. Use and wash. There are patterns online - google: reusable menstrual products

      Both these items can last years!  How long can you go with the feminine hygiene paper products you have in your cabinet? (We could only go a few months with what I have stored away. I'm counting on having to provide for 4 daughters, 3+ daughters-in-law, and 1 granddaughter.)

      . . . . . . . . If everyone had their own Keeper/Divacup, 

      or if I made a bunch of feminine napkins - (ummm- yeah, in my spare time?)  

      or if I even made sure I had the fabric to make feminine napkins, then that would be smart planning for that type of emergency. (I have a treadle sewing machine, so I'm not worried about sewing without electricity.)

      How frustrating it would be to - not only have an emergency situation to deal with (natural disaster, economic collapse, etc.), but to be on your period at the same time?!!!  Ughhhh!
      (and nothing on hand to keep clean and fresh? - double ughhhh!)