Wednesday, June 27, 2012


(here's an old blog I started, then didn't post)

I watched a disaster movie yesterday. It was an old one I had bought at a garage sale. I really do love disaster movies! (I'm not recommending it, I just watched it) This one was an earthquake disaster, and it was staged in the west, where I live. I particularly loved seeing Las Vegas destroyed. (I lived there 30 years.)

No - I don't like seeing people hurt. I just like the special effects.

It's always funny to me to see how people act/react to disasters, in movies. It's dramatic!

it's unrealistic!

What I really need to watch is a disaster survival video.
I know they are out there, on youtube.
I've been thinking about earthquakes lately. I know there's going to be a big one, where I live. It's not a matter of if (as they say), but when.

This Saturday May 5, 2012  there is going to be a Supermoon. That is when the moon will be closest to the earth in it's orbit.  Some people say the moon affects / causes earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.

My personal belief:  it's a coincidence if an earthquake happens during a supermoon.

God has been throwing earthquakes at us with no consistent timeline. It's always unexpected. That why I expect one sometime.
It's better to be ready. (knowledgeable and prepared)
Oh, and the moon is supposed to be spectacular this Saturday - bigger and brighter!

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