Friday, March 2, 2012


I want to talk about water. Water is more important than food, when it comes to survival. How many days can you go without food? (I don't know how long I could, I've never tried for more than a day of fasting)
There are many factors of course (weight, health, age, etc) but a normal person can go without food for weeks. (you will be weak, you will feel miserable, but you won't be dead. And that is only if you have water to rehydrate)
Going without water will kill you in 5 days or less. Have you ever been without water? (The water was shut off, or a natural disaster left you without water?)
I have not been in a disaster situation that left me without water, so I have not felt the effects of long term water deprivation.
I have had situations where my husband has shut off the water to fix a broken pipe.
The latest was a few weeks ago when, thru a bizzare accident I pulled the entire faucet pipe out of the ground when trying to water my plants. The water was gushing all over and I knew I would have to stop it from flooding the neighborhood - as it was running down the street. My hubby was not home so I figured I'd have to handle this one on my own. I knew that I had to pull the cover off the water main, but I was afraid of cockroaches that lived there. I got my best friend's husband to come over and do it for me. (thank you, Carmen & Sean !!! What are friends for if not to rescue you from a situation that includes bugs???) anyway, the whole point is - you need water to survive! While my husband was fixing the pipe we were without water.
I had my back up supply of water - I just pulled a couple bottles from under the table to use in cooking and washing my hands. But one of the kids wanted a shower and had to wait til the water came back on. You would have thought he was going to die! (he had just come from wrestling practice and needed a shower) We are so spoiled!!!!!!
What if we woke up tomorrow and the whole world had changed, and there was permanently no running water? - that would never happen, right?
We have to prepare as if it not only could but would happen.

March 20, 2012
Did you know that we can die in a matter of days without water?

Did you know that bleach weakens over time, and that the bleach you have stored to purify your water may be unable to kill microorganisms?

Did you know that dry chlorine is cheap and easy to get and stores years longer than liquid bleach? (I'm not talking about powdered bleach, but, swimming pool shock) are you as shocked as I am to learn this????

I have learned so much that I didn't know before, as I researched water storage and purification! I want you to be able to learn what I learned. (In case you're wondering - I'm not out to make money - I'm just a mom who want's to share with other moms)

On the right side of my blog is 'PAGES'. I have posted information on water there. You can open it up and click on each page to print.
The best thing to do is print it up and put it in a notebook (like I posted about in February 25th post)

if you have to take baby steps like I do, at least print up the pages you think you would like to have, and use them later when you have more time.  Just don't put it off too long!!!

March 25, 2012

Katniss and Peeta are about to go out to the arena where they will fight for their very lives.
"Any final words of advice?" asks Peeta (to Haymitch)
"When the gong sounds, get the blank out of there. You're neither of you up to the blood bath at the Cornicopia. Just clear out. Put as much distance as you can between yourselves and the others, and find a source of WATER," he says. "Got it?"
"And after that?" Katniss asks.
"Stay alive."

Haymitch knows that without water, they will die!

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